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Crafting for Equality: Ayo!’s Latest Campaign to Help Those with Disabilities

Ayo!, FAR’s crowdfunding platform, just launched its latest campaign. “Crafting for Equality” aims to support a local non-governmental organization in its mission to improve the lives of the disabled.

Established by people with disabilities, Equal Rights, Equal Opportunities — or EREO as it is better known—aims to support the full realization of the rights of people with disabilities in Armenia’s Lori Province while also promoting their social inclusion.

EREO’s social enterprise, EREOstyle, has been engaged in textile production since 2017 when those involved, many of whom are disabled, started making their own traditional Armenian dolls, decorative pillows, bedding, and baby bibs.

While EREOstyle has been effective in raising living standards, its new workspace is still not adapted to the needs of people with disabilities. It also lacks a heating system. This is where Ayo! saw it could jump in and help.

“Crafting for Equality” aims to raise the funds needed to install a heating system and make the building more accessible, for example by updating the bathrooms, and exits/entrances so that they are more accessible.

To join this life-changing movement, say Ayo! to building an inclusive society.

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