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From FAR's Board of Directors Chairman: Rest Assured That Our Work Continues

Updated: Apr 9, 2020

I wish to reach out to you today because you are a caring and compassionate friend of Fund for Armenian Relief. Without your support, we would accomplish nothing. 

During this period, you can be assured that FAR’s work will continue.

FAR was born from crisis—an earthquake, the impacts of which can still be felt. Thirty years later, we are called to weather another crisis. We are adapting to the challenges and new needs in partnership with Armenians. We will continue to carry out our work, but with the protection of the health of our staff and beneficiaries the foremost priority. 

Usually when you receive a message from FAR it is to update you about the great work that FAR is doing—a new project or development—and we usually ask for your support. Today, I just ask that you please take care of yourself and those you love. The COVID-19 pandemic is unlike anything we have ever seen during our lifetimes. In a time like this, it is crucial that we all pull together in solidarity to help and support each other, for it is that empathy and respect that are essential to pull us through. We are all together in this experience, touched by this pandemic in unique but similar ways, including FAR. 

We will persevere and emerge from this crisis all the stronger, more than ever able to bring continued hope and opportunity to Armenia’s people. 


Randy Sapah-Gulian

Chairman, FAR Board of Directors



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