Boosting productivity and providing an outlet for young peoples’ creativity has been a focal point for FAR’s BCPP project since its start in 2014. For the past several years, BCPP has helped about 800 kids in a region of Armenia that has few recreational outlets.
A recent contest held for the children who love embroidery and drawing drew 50 participants from villages throughout Armenia’s impoverished Berd Region.
For a week entries as part of the “My Colors” contest exhibition were available for public viewing at FAR’s Berd Office. Visitors included Mardigian Support Center beneficiaries, other hobby group participants, local residents and some Berd-based independent artists who judged the work.
“We even managed to ignite motivation among the other students who will hopefully be more active in future contests,” said FAR Berd Office ManagerLusik Aghababyan.
Seven students were awarded brand new school backpacks made by Autumn Violet, a local textile production business that has received support from BCPP’s Economic Development initiative.
“It was exciting for me. I had light colors in my drawings; light blue was dominate in my nature scenes and forests, which are all over Berd,” said third-place winner 12-year-old Mkhitar Harutyunyan with pride. Mkhitar’s father was also previously assisted by BCPP, which enabled him to purchase new farming equipment for his agriculture business. “I’m also happy aboutmy backpack.”
The contest and all of whom are involved is a great demonstration of the layers of impact generated through BCPP—from the economic to the creative and psychosocial. Funded by The Mardigian Family Foundation, BCPP is helping to boost self-sufficiency and elevate a community out of endemic poverty.