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Rising popularity of fruit chips in Tavush region

In the remote village of Nerkin Karmiraghbyur, Tavush province, Nvard Julhakyan, 40, has created a dried fruit business from scratch. Tati Fruits, her venture, stands out as the only female-owned enterprise in the community, offering a diverse range of organic dried fruits, fruit pestils, and fruit chips. Notably, her products have gained popularity not only among the locals but also among consumers from Russia and the US.

"I found that my fruit chips make for a healthier snacking option, and kids absolutely love them," shares Nvard, a devoted mother of three who founded the business three years ago. By 2022, with the valuable support of the Small Business Assistance program (SBA), she successfully expanded her venture. "Originally, I started making these for my children, but as the demand grew, I realized the potential to turn my passion into a sustainable business. Today, it has become my primary source of income," she adds, her face beaming with pride.

To bolster her entrepreneurial know-how, Nvard also participated in an extensive course facilitated by the SBA program. This opportunity not only equipped her with business-oriented acumen but also broadened her network of local entrepreneurs. "FAR has been a game-changer in my life. It has empowered me with improved management skills, helping me establish a sustainable business that ensures a stable future for my family. I will forever be thankful for the opportunities that FAR has bestowed upon me.”

By making a donation to FAR today, you can support borderline entrepreneurs like Nvard to launch or expand businesses in Armenia.

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