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Youth Group of Connecticut Parish Raises Funds for FAR’s Vocational Training Programs

Earlier this month, the youth group of New Britain’s Holy Resurrection Church held the fundraiser for their 2nd Annual Slice of Summer Poon Paregentan Fellowship. The Connecticut parish dedicated this year’s profits to FAR’s programs that focus on offering vocational training to orphaned or low-income youth, a cause they have always  supported and been greatly behind.

“Our youth and their parents were 100% behind this Poon Paregentan event right from the beginning,” said Reverend  Fr. Kapriel Mouradjian, a long-time and generously supportive FAR partner. “Our youth of New Britain visualized themselves living in Armenia and compared that to their fortunate status here in the States. They were very grateful  to be able to assist others like them in a small but meaningful way.”

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